Reading Schedule:
August 31st:
Karen Coats, “Fish Stories: Teaching Children’s Literature in a Postmodern World.” Pedagogy 1.2 (Spring 2001): 405-409.
Assorted readings in the Dropbox, under “Karen Coats and Responses”
September 7th: Labor Day; class cancelled
September 10th; Classes follow a Monday schedule
Rose, Case of Peter Pan
Marah Gubar, “Risky Business: Talking about Children in Children’s Literature.” Children’s Literature Association Literature Quarterly 38.4 (Winter 2013): 450-457.
Found in the Dropbox under “Responses to Rose.” The other articles there are optional—but very interesting.
White, Charlotte’s Web
September 14th: class cancelled as per academic calendar
September 21st:
Gillian Adams, “Medieval Children’s Literature: Its Possibility and Actuality.” Children’s Literature 26 (1998): 1-24.
Mitzi Myers, “Socializing Rosamund: Educational Ideology and Fictional Form.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 14. 2 (Summer 1989): 52-58.
Karin E. Westman, “Beyond Periodization: Children’s Literature, Genre, and Remediating Literary History.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 38.4 (Winter 2013): 464-469.
September 28th:
Gubar, Artful Dodgers
October 5th:
Bernstein, Racial Innocence
Donnarae MacCann, “Introduction and Part I: The Antebellum Years” From White Supremacy in Children’s Literature. Routledge: New York and London, 2001: 1-48.
October 12th: Class cancelled as per GC calendar
October 19th:
Kidd, Freud in Oz
October 26th:
Richard Flynn, “The Intersection of Children’s Literature and Childhood Studies.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 22. 3 (Fall 1997): 143-145.
Mary Galbraith, “Hear My Cry: A Manifesto for an Emancipatory Childhood Studies Approach to Children’s Literature.” The Lion and the Unicorn 25. 2 (April 2001): 187-205.
Thomas, Poetry’s Playground
November 2nd:
Mickenberg, Julia L. Learning from the Left: pgs 1-145. [Online resource through the Mina Rees Library].
Abate, Michelle Anne. Raising Your Kids Right: Children’s Literature and American Political Conservatism: pgs. 1-78 [Online resource through the Mina Rees Library].
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Terri Birkett, Truax (in Dropbox)
November 9th:
Sara K. Day, “’She Is a Creature Designed for Reading’: Narrative Intimacy and the Adolescent Woman Reader;” “‘What if Someone Reads It?’ Concealment and Revelation in Diary Fiction;” and “‘Let Me Know What You Think:’ Fan Fiction and the Reimagining of Narrative Intimacy.” From Narrative Intimacy in Contemporary American Young Adult Literature. Biloxi, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2013: 3-28; 144-203. (available as an e-book through the Mina Rees library).
Roberta Seelinger Trites, “Margaret Mahy: Embodying Feminism.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 39. 1 (Spring 2014): 140-149.
November 16th:
Guest instructor Dr. Katherine R. Broad on Contemporary Young Adult Dystopias: Brave New Teenagers.
November 23rd:
Abate and Kidd, eds., Over the Rainbow
Eric L. Tribunella, “Between Boys: Edward Stevenson’s Left to Themselves (1891) and the Birth of Gay Children’s Literature.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 37. 4 (Winter 2012): 374-388.
Excerpts from Barbie’s Queer Accessories (TBA, will be placed in Dropbox)
November 30th:
Martin, Brown Gold
Katharine Capshaw, “Ethnic Studies and Children’s Literature: A Conversation Between Fields.” The Lion and the Unicorn 38. 3 (September 2014): 237-257.
Capshaw, from Civil Rights Childhood: Picturing Liberation in African American Picturebooks. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014: ix-64.
December 7th:
Ulanowicz, Second-Generation Memory
December 14th:
Bradford, Unsettling Narratives, pgs. 1-70.
Alexie, Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Bryan Ripley Crandall, “Adding a Disability Perspective When Reading Adolescent Literature: Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” The ALAN Review (Winter 2009): 71-78.
December 21st:
Gonzalez, Resistance and Survival
Sara L. Schwebel, “Taking Children’s Literature Scholarship to the Public.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 38. 4 (Winter 2013): 470-475.